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Written by: Aileen Gonzalez of Life Prep Academy

I think teens don’t realize the impact that bullying has on people. I talk from experience. It’s one of the most painful things to go through! Someone constantly mocking your every move. It might not seem so bad, but then, the lies they tell you, such as “you’re ugly” or “you’re not worth living” start getting into your head. You suddenly believe it yourself. People say that we ought to just forget. Go to an adult. Walk away. They think that really helps!?! NOT in the slightest! Another thing I don’t understand is how can a person think that he/she is better than someone? Maybe, you’re more attractive or better at a sport than others, but, does that truly make you better? They bully, thinking only of themselves. Downgrading everyone to make themselves look superior. They also bully, not knowing anything about them. They constantly beat on someone who is already getting abused at home. We, TEENS, need to work together and Make a Change! Why are we sitting around, only worrying about ourselves? We are sitting on our couches, while someone is considering suicide! We see someone sitting by themselves at lunch… Why is it so hard to walk over and sit with them? I’m sick and tired of teens committing suicide, one after the other.

What if, ONE PERSON, were to stand up and be there for them?

They would still be here for us.

As TEENS, we NEED to Make a Change!

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