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I wasn’t sure if I liked the television show “Black-ish” when it first came out.  If you have not ever seen it, it is a show that airs on ABC about an upper middle-class African American family that tries to find it’s way in “Suburban Culture”, if you will, as they try to hold true to their “black identity”.

As you can imagine, there are many opportunities for the cultures to clash.  As they do, it offers an opportunity to address a lot of the different bias and stereotypes that causes division between the two cultures.  Though, I have to admit, the “in your face” reality of these issues are uncomfortable even for me and I am black, African American for those who prefer.  Yet, I have found that this comedy has found a unique way of delivering the message and main stream America has, dare I say, accepted it!


But, it wasn’t until the collaboration of Proctor & Gamble (the parent company of products such as Tide and Swiffer) that crossed promoted their “The Talk” onto this show, that I found what is going on worth, well, talking about.  P&G first aired their campaign in July of 2017 which is an extension of the “My Black is Beautiful” (Which can be the topic of a whole series of articles!).


The focal point of the video is based on the conversation mothers have had with their children over the years addressing serious issues such and racism and how to conduct yourself in a bias world.  “The Talk” is one of those things that we may have all experienced but no one really addresses openly.  No matter your race, chances are your parents may have had the talk with you.  This is what Black-ish so eloquently portrayed in their episode.  “The Talk” could have came in the form of mistreatment because of weight or that you wore glasses for those who did not experience racism like others.


But make no mistake about it, the talk that parents give to their children regarding racial bias is a real thing.  It is commendable for P&G to be bold enough to shed light on this issue.  As they put it, let’s talk about “The Talk” so that we can end the need to have it!


Look at the video and let’s TALK! Tell us how you feel about this issue in our comments below.