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I for one am very amazed by the accomplishments of Steve Harvey’s career.  He is an amazing comedian.  He has worked extremely hard to be a first class entertainer.  For those of you who do not know, Steve Harvey had his own TV show (a sit com and a talk show), currently host one of the top morning shows on the radio and is the host of the famed game show, “Family Feud”.   He is on the   top list as a host of shows and events, this is how he landed the Miss Universe Pageant show; HE IS THE BEST IN THE BIZ!  Well he was until the hick-ups of all hick-ups.

The beauty pageants are live shows.  Some of the worst things that can happen is a contestant tripping and falling; (I have to admit, I watch the pageants for that to happen, oh, and the questions!).  Also, another scary or worst thing that could happen is a wardrobe malfunction.  No one would have ever thought that the top of the worst thing that could happen list was to announce the wrong winner, crown her then have to come back and declare someone else the winner and uncrown the other now runner-up.

But it made for some GREAT TV!  Sad but a; “did that just happen” moment.  Please forgive my insensitive tone.  To be Miss Columbia, I have no words and only feel the deepest sympathy for her.  It’s was like a dream come true to a complete nightmare.

But Steve Harvey, who has made a living on his southern slight Ebonics overtone has to endure this mishap.  It was commendable that he owned the mistake and corrected the error.  But now, his intelligence, his race, his character is under great scrutiny.  All of a sudden he has been called every racial derogatory name in the book.  He is also the most hated person in Columbia!  Yeah, no vacations there in the near future for Steve.

Yeah, it was a huge mistake, like watching an accident happen and you can’t take your eyes off of it.  But mistakes happen, we learn, we move on, we get better!

One Comment

  • Anna says:

    Congratulations Philippines! Steve Harvey you ‘re a gentleman correcting your mistake in front of million audience. Colombians will feel bad about this but the heroic act of forgiveness and acceptance is all that matters.