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By Romero, Damir

Gordon Parks

Season 8 has started and a lot of great things have happened. There is a lot of new locations on the map. Here are some of the places on the new map sunny steps, and lazy lagoon.

They also added a volcano to the map. If you touch it you won’t die you would only take one damage and jump off the lava like you got burned.. They took away the ATK(all terrain cart) and the plane. They also added some new cannons. That is a very good addition to the game because, since they took out the ATK and the planes I guess they would need another form of transportation. Talking about transportation they did not add drive-able boats yet into fortnite but I am pretty sure they will at sometime during the season. This season the tier 100 skin is not a male. This season it is the very first female  tier 100 skin.You can upgrade your tier 100 into four different colors as always on any battle pass skin.


Later in the season there will be a legendary  chest that will include gold weapons and consumables. This will be good because you can get good guns very fast at the beginning of the match,but it will be hard to get this chest. Everyone will want this chest so that means, more chaos, more action. Epic games didn’t really make the skins better they just made the map better. They made this cool skin and it’s a banana skin, it peels while your in a game and it would like end up rotten by the time it’s done but that is pretty much season 8 in a nutshell! New locations on the map, new volcano, and there are cannons, finally they have the first female tier 100 skin. So this sums up season 8 new items,and new skins so go check it out for yourself.