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I saw a video on social media the other day that got me to thinking.  First, let me apologize for not going into details about the video.  It was a bit of an experiment that I think I will try on my own.  Because of that, I will keep it under wraps.  Anyway, the result is simple, we don’t know money!  Therefore, I will blog the next few weeks about good money management!



Don’t stop reading yet!  I know that the subject can be rough but I hope to have some fun with it.  In the process, we can get into some good dialogue about positioning your money.  Because at the end of the day, aren’t we all trying to better position ourselves financially?  Isn’t it a good idea to know some principles that can cause you to build wealth?


To get us started, we need to understand the purpose of money. “TO GET SEX!”

In an attempt to not make this blog boring, the idea of placing the word sex in an article would keep readers engaged!  Adding the words “To get”  in front of it, should make it go viral!  But really, for most of Americans, it kind of boils down to that  three letter word.  We need money to buy things that will help us become popular or desirable in order to… you see where this is going.  Even for married couples, we try and ensure that everything at home is flowing well so that our spouse is happy so that we can…. Though it is a hard reality, this is the mindset of  a lot of people.  I mean, have you listened to any of the popular music, watched any TV?  They are selling sex and people are buying!



So maybe that is not the purpose of money.  Then can we say money is to buy THINGS.  To put it like that makes us sound materialistic and no one wants that.  But you have to agree that money buys THINGS and can truly sum up its purpose.  To buy THINGS!  So people work all their lives so that they can buy THINGS then they die!  Question; do you remember what you got for Christmas three years ago?  I’ll wait while you think…………

Okay, for those of you who remember, do you still have it or better yet, do you still use it?  One could argue, that this is why we need money because we constantly need THINGS! I would argue the “THINGS” would be an undefined concept that pulls on your emotions by marketers that makes you spend money.


So really, what is the purpose of money?  I want to get your feedback.  So much so, I am willing to give some, you guest it, money to the best responds.  I will allow that offer to remain open the next two days after this is posted.  Just one thing, try not to spend it on SEX!