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WARNING: This article contains no confirmed spoilers, but does contain A LOT of speculation and theories on Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Enter at your own risk, and May the Force be with you!

Star Wars. Two words that paint a picture in your mind. For some, that picture may be of the evil Darth Vader fighting the heroic (if you want to call him that, but that’s a whole other argument) Luke Skywalker, others may just hear the famous words “It’s a trap!” coming from Admiral Ackbar’s fish-looking mouth, and, sadly, I’m sure some people envision Jar-Jar Binks and his… uh…well, he didn’t actually do anything important. I tend to think about many Bothans dying to bring the rebels potent information about the Death Star’s construction plans. Happy thoughts, right?

You all have seen the trailers and previews for The Force Awakens, but you may have either not gotten enough information or can’t even comprehend what is exactly going down in the clips. That’s where I come in. Here are my thoughts, theories, and overall reactions to what has been released of The Force Awakens. Enjoy!

What’s the main storyline behind The Force Awakens?

If you have been living under a rock and haven’t seen any trailers or clips, here’s what we know as of right now: Thirty years after the actions of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, a new power has taken over the galaxy, known as the Knights of Ren, led by the evil and mysterious Kylo Ren. Meanwhile, a Stormtrooper named Finn crashes onto the desert planet of Jakku, where he runs into a girl who lives on the streets, Rey. They find themselves cast into an unbelievable adventure with none other than Han Solo and his trusted wookie, Chewbacca. That’s the main plot synopsis as far as I can tell from the trailers, so far.

Another WARNING! So far, we’ve only talked about facts. Now we delve into my personal thoughts and ideas. I’ve studied, second-by-second, each and every trailer for The Force Awakens that has been released as of now. After three hours of that, I watched interview and speculation videos for another two hours. I’m telling you all of this so that you’ll understand that I’ve tried to inform myself as much as possible on the new film, but I don’t know exactly what will happen. Now, the good part.

What part does family play in TFA?

“I have lived long enough to see the same eyes in different people.” – Maz Kanata. That quote was taken from one of TFA’s trailers, and obviously it basically translates to that Maz is old enough to have seen many generations of families. What makes that so interesting is in the trailer it is spoken when shots of Rey and Han Solo are shown back-to-back. Coincidence? I think not. I think that at least one of the new introduced characters (Rey, Finn, or even Kylo) will be related to one, if not more, of the original trilogy characters (Han, Leai, or Luke).

What do the Knights of Ren actually want?

I believe they are simply here to destroy every living Jedi, so that they can conquer the galaxy. I do have a strange feeling that Luke Skywalker might be involved with them somehow, but I don’t like Luke enough to think that he’d actually do something cool, like turning to the dark side.

Does a major character die in TFA?

Honestly, I kind of hope so. I mean what would make the villain (presumably Kylo Ren) even more hated than by killing off a major character like Chewbacca. Now I love Chewie as much as the rest of you, but we’ve all seen the small clip of Rey crying over a brown, furry figure. I think a major death would give our heroes a fire to destroy the Knights of Ren and would give Kylo a better character quality, unlike that of the villains in the prequels, who, aside from Darth Maul, didn’t do any actual harm.

Is J.J. Abrams trying to make up for the prequels with TFA?

Duh! Have you not seen the atrocities called Star Wars Episodes 1-3? Because of those movies we got stuck with Jar-Jar and the rise of the CGI overload. J.J. Abrams has talked about the real sets, location filming, and realistic looking characters (yes, even the aliens!) in interviews and a behind-the-scenes trailer! I think if this movie is done how it should be, which all signs are pointing towards, it will entirely make up for the prequels. J.J., you are our only hope!

In TFA, there WON’T be a defining line between light and dark side.

A friend of mine recently told me a theory that I absolutely loved! Basically, in TFA, there isn’t a real defining factor of what’s good and bad, light and dark. If this if true, it could mean that everyone’s crazy thought that Luke Skywalker may just be true!

Is Finn or Rey the main protagonist?

Tough to say, but I have to go with Rey. I think that even though Finn is seen wielding a saber, he isn’t a “true” Jedi (yet), instead he just uses the saber because someone needs to fight Kylo. Rey, on the other hand, is seen in the trailer with Kylo’s saber at her neck and I think that makes her realize she needs a saber, which will be easy for her to use because a) she is seen wielding a staff of some kind on Jakku and b) because I think she is the child of someone with the force (*cough cough* Luke or Leai). No matter what, both characters are going to be vital to the storyline

Is Finn Lando Calrissian’s son?

Hahahahahahaha. No. That just seems borderline racist. Just because he’s black, he HAS to be Lando’s son? No, maybe he just happens to be the same skin color. That’s like asking if Greedo is Yoda’s son just because they’re both green. What would that make Jabba, the distant uncle?

Jar-Jar Binks: The greatest Sith Lord

By far, this is my favorite fan theory of all. We never see the “hero” of The Phantom Menace die, so he must be Kylo Ren unmasked! Jar-Jar, the greatest villain of all time? Not likely.

Bonus Round: Why Luke Skywalker is the worst Jedi ever!

First off, who even ever named Luke a Jedi knight, besides himself? Oh, no one, you say? What a surprise. Secondly, who does he actually kill? Not the Emperor, not Darth Vader, nor even Jabba. Heck, plus he only sliced Boba Fett’s gun, Han was the one who did him in. Sure, the kid blew up the Death Star, but even Brandon Weeden could’ve made that throw! Actually, there are people that Luke has a part in killing: His mom, his aunt and uncle, Ben Kenobi, Porkins, an innocent Tauntaun, Han (frozen, at least), his own hand, Yoda (yes, I blame Yoda’s death on Luke), and his father. Now I’m not saying Luke defeated Vader, no quite contrary, Vader defeated himself, and then Luke just watched his dad, Anakin, not Vader, die. Heck, I’ll even say that the Bothans who died getting the Death Star’s plans were Luke’s fault. All-in-all, he never actually did much, did he?

How will TFA set up future episodes of Star Wars?

That’s the surprise, isn’t it? I honestly can’t wait to see how that unfolds! If I had to guess, I’d say that the movie ends with our heroes, having held off Kylo Ren, sad (about a major character’s death, perhaps?), yet hopeful, for the future. Also, I think Luke makes his appearnce at the end.

I hope this helped you get ready for this Friday, when Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens premieres in theatres! I’m so hyped for it, I hope you are as well! If you have any thoughts about what I’ve said or even your own theories, make sure to leave a comment below! May the Force be with you!

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