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Everyday thousands of people suffer from boredom and what to do during that time of suffering is somewhat of a mystery. The default plan is to just contact someone else and see if they have anything to do but what if they don’t? What if you are on an extreme budget? What if you are stuck in a place where you cant leave yet you are so bored that you just want to pull your hair out? Here are a few ideas, please add your own ideas so we can find the cure.


Budget Boredom: Wichita,Ks

  • Go to the movies: On Tuesdays the palace has movies for $1.50 all day! On Wednesday the downtown warren has movies for $5.
  • Walk: Get out of the house and just walk! Go walking downtown, there are bunch of cool shops and building that most people don’t even know exist due to their busy lifestyles. Find a new park and go walking around it, there are a number of cool ones that have random things like a mini zoo or mini golf, or a bunch of other things.
  • Go to the library: Read a book! reading is a dying activity. With the use of your imagination you can literally be anywhere at anytime. There are thousands of books that can give you something to do and its all free, you just have to go get them.
  • Take pictures: Selfies have swept the globe. With the addition of the front camera to all the new phones  it can be done with a lot more ease but why not try to edit it a little more. Don’t just slap a filter on it and crop it, try getting a new photo editing app and actually editing them: Play with the contrast, the hues, the brightness, the focus, just go plain nuts. By doing this you’ll burn a lot of time and you can actually have a picture worthy of posting and of those few likes and favorites.
  • Learn to cook: Fast food is taking over the world! eating out isn’t always an option on a budget, try searching a few recipes (or going to the library and checking out a book) and finding a way to spice up your food intake. Eating at home doesn’t have to be a sad activity. If you cook something it’ll be cheaper and odds are that it’ll take more than a couple of minutes so it’ll give you something to do as well as something to eat.
  • Go jump!: Trampoline parks are popping up in Wichita, go jump in one! Urban air has a deal where you pay just $8 on Mondays and you can jump as long as you want. This is much better than the usual $10 an hour.


These are only a few ideas, please add to the list so we stop boredom.





  • peter says:

    When I am bored, I like to pull a prank. Nothing dangerous but I will move something to another place if someone sets it down and turn around. I also, like to change the TV channel with my phone when my mom has the remote in her hand.

  • Big Boi says:

    when i get bored i usually just sleep. its not something you can do every where but its very effective and its FREE! i also long board when I’m bored. this is free if you have a board but if you do not have a board it could cost you a couple hundred dollars for a good board.

  • Mark says:

    Dude I like those ideas tho! When I’m bored, I usually binge watch some of that young Netflix. Only 8 bucks a month xD