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By: Kyndal Jennings/ Gordon Parks

Hey, guyys welcome back to KYNDAL WITH THE GOOD FOOD.

So we all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for humans and maybe for animals and I mean who doesn’t love breakfast. I love animals especially the small ones and they really love their food so let’s make it a little bit more entertaining for them, shall we? I’m thinking maybe pancakes huh? Yea, I think so too let’s get started!


The ingredients you will need is 1tsp of flour, ¼ tsp of milk, ¾ tsp of water, vegetable oil, and a banana. Now that you have those ingredients you want to the flour, milk, and water altogether until you get a batter like consistency. Now to actually cook the pancakes you want to spread a little oil into a pan and heat it up. Once it gets heated up, then you want to place a small amount of batter into the pan to make a pancake.


Now it’s time to add the toppings on the pancake also know as syrup and butter. Stack the pancakes into a tower. Now slice the banana and cut a small square out of the banana. Now add a small drop of honey for the syrup. And you’re DONE! So give it to your hamster and let him/her enjoy.


Thank you guys for reading another one of my blogs I hope you liked it make sure to leave a like and comment down below and I will see you in my next blog. PEACE OUT!